Explore Anthony Davis’s Kobe Bryant tattoo & more meaningful tattoos he added in 2023

Anthony Davis has some cool tattoos that you should check out. He believes that each of his tattoos is there for a reason and has its own story. He has a lot of tattoos that honor family members or other important people in his life. Take a look at his tattoos to learn what they mean.



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1. ‘Mаmbа’  Tаttoo

Find out about Anthony Davis's tribute tattoo to Kobe Bryant and other important tattoos he got in 2023

Antony has a tattoo on his right leg of a black mamba snake wrapped around a shield design.

The image is Kobe Bryant, who died not long ago. It seems like a sword is hidden in a sheath. Kobe used to say that the sheath was the work that someone did to improve their talent and the sword was their raw, undeveloped talent. “Black Mamba” was what his friends called Kobe Bryant. Anthony got this tattoo to respect the great basketball player Kobe.

2. Pоrtrаit Tаttoo

Find out about Anthony Davis's tribute tattoo to Kobe Bryant and other important tattoos he got in 2023

Along with the picture of an old man, the words “REST UP” and “Champ” are written above and below the picture on the All-Star’s right shoulder.

This tattoo is also important to Anthony in a special way. Antony’s maternal grandfather is the man in the picture. His name is Lamont Eberhardt. Even though Lamont died in 2010, Anthony looked up to him as a leader. The sentence that comes out is “Rest Up, Champ.” In this way, Anthony said hello to his coach, whom he always called “Champ.” Davis said about Lamont, “I looked up to him.” Each day I went to his house, and all we did was talk golf. He tried to push me all the time. He talked about Kobe all the time. Not to tell you to be better, but I always tried to make myself stand out. Do some of the things he did.

3. ‘Chicаgo’ Tаttoo

Antony has the word “Chicago” and the year 1993 tattooed on his right bicep. The word is smaller than the number, though.

Antony Davis was born on March 11, 1993, in the city of Chicago. He was born in a certain place and year, which are written on his body. Davis talked about the tattoo: “I got it because I love my city and where I’m from. Without the city of Chicago, I wouldn’t be where I am today.”

4. Bаby Girl Tаttoo

Find out about Anthony Davis's tribute tattoo to Kobe Bryant and other important tattoos he got in 2023

Tattoo: He has a big picture of a little girl with two roses above her head on the inside of his left forearm.

Anthony also really likes this tattoo because it has a picture of his daughter Nala Davis on it. That’s why Anthony got this tattoo: to show Brittney how much he loves their daughter.

5. Initiаls Tаttoo

Find out about Anthony Davis's tribute tattoo to Kobe Bryant and other important tattoos he got in 2023

On the inside of his right wrist, he has the letters “A D” tattooed there.

The letters don’t stand for his name at all, even though most people would think that they do. That’s Anthony Davis’s name in the tattoo, but it’s really a tribute to his dad, Anthony Davis Sr.

6. Crоss Tаttoo

Find out about Anthony Davis's tribute tattoo to Kobe Bryant and other important tattoos he got in 2023

Cross: On the inside of Anthony’s right forearm is a cross tattoo.

That which “RIP” stands for is rest. It was done to remember a loved one; the words “In Peace” are above the cross.

7.  ‘Stаrs, Dоvеs, аnd Nаmе’ Tаttoos

Find out about Anthony Davis's tribute tattoo to Kobe Bryant and other important tattoos he got in 2023

Anthony has tattoos of stars all over his right forearm, and he has doves in different places on his sleeve tattoos. The words “N, A, L, and A” are tattooed on the outside of his right forearm, from his wrist to his elbow. The “N” has a crown on top of it.

The name of his daughter, Nala, which he loves very much, is made up of all the letters.

8. Lеg Tаttoo

Find out about Anthony Davis's tribute tattoo to Kobe Bryant and other important tattoos he got in 2023

Tattoo: On the right side of the bottom of his right leg, he has another big tattoo. People don’t see the tattoo very often because Anthony always covers his legs with leg sleeves, even when he’s not in ames.